T & C

General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions

Through our homepage you have the possibility to send us a non-binding request for accommodation in our house. Please fill out the form on the website with all the information and send us your request.

Please note that a request is NOT a reservation and reservations cannot be guaranteed at any time of the request.

Please use the comment field at the end of the form and send us all the important information and requests for your request. Sending a request is non-binding and is not yet bound to any financial commitment on the part of the guest. The accommodation, on the other hand, is not obliged to guarantee a reservation on the requested dates. Please be sure to tell us which room category(ies) you would like to book, how many rooms you need, for how many adults and children you would like to book, if you would like to bring dogs, if you are flexible on time and if not available, possibly alternative arrival and departure days would be possible for you?

We will get back to you as soon as possible with a written offer to the email address you provide. If you wish to make any changes to the offer, please let us know so that we can adjust or correct the offer accordingly. You will also be informed in our offer about the cancellation policy, payment options and possible, further conditions. In case of a reservation, you declare that you have read, understood and accepted our policies. If you agree with our offer, please confirm it to us and you will receive a reservation confirmation from us with all further necessary information regarding payments and cancellation terms.

Once you have received a reservation confirmation from us, the booking is binding for both parties. The guest books accommodation with us in the house for the respective number of persons in the desired room category(ies), the accommodation in turn undertakes to make the reserved rooms available to the guests at the desired period, under the agreed conditions.

A good choice for relaxation. Request an offer now!